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XBiz - Chameleon Submitter, Partner Account Requester & Confirmer

XBiz Awards - Hollywood 2007 - Industry Conference

So we did this great show and had a blast! CHAMELEON flew all the way down to Los Angeles and spent a few unforgettable days right in the centre of Hollywood. An awesome people from all around the industry made it down there as well which was a great input for some tough days of networking and partying. Being held in the famous location, the old Roosevelt Hotel at 7000 Hollywood Blvd could be telling its own history. Place itself worth visit. Add the great Californian weather, interesting schedule full of various seminars, challenging activities and the colorful mixture of beautiful people to get the idea about the event. We had a lot of fun and the good business was done. Days to remember. Thank you Xbiz !

Chameleon & Halcyon Pink
Stephen (Xbiz) and his lovely wife
tough partying, tough hair styles
beautiful locations
industry leaders speaking
funny moments
hangin' around
girls fooling!
nights to remember
Xbiz Awards
crazy time...
lots of beauty
Hell House girls at play
chillin' by the pool
with the coolest, Nancy @ Gammae
partying at the roof
red carpet arrival (with Jenni)
lovely crew


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